Judge Robart served on the Organizing Committee and the Board of Governors for the Federal Circuit Bar Association and is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Federal judge whose son was killed in attack says gunman targeted Sonia Sotomayor U.S. Can Judge James Robart Be Removed A federal judge can only be removed by acquitting them in the Senate and being impeached by the House.Until their death, retirement or conviction, judges and justices serve under the rules of the Senate, not just the laws of the time. Motorola, Inc., which is the first court opinion in the United States setting reasonable and nondiscriminatory (“RAND”) rates for standard essential patents. City of Seattle, overseeing a consent decree involving an overhaul of Seattle Police Department practices and procedures. Bush in 2004, following a distinguished 30-year career in private practice that included his selection to the American. Credit Suisse, construing the statute of limitations for Section 16(b) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, was reversed by the Ninth Circuit, but adopted by the United States Supreme Court in an 8-0 opinion. Judge James Robart stop President Trump’s executive order if those refugees landed in his town to go to school with his kids The crux of the refugee problem: nameless federal officials and religious organizations like the Lutheran Church and Catholic Charities force refugees into hapless citieswithout any concern for American citizens of those communities. Robart, 69, was appointed to the bench by President George W.

Judge Robart has presided over several notable civil and criminal cases. 1969) and Georgetown University Law Center (J.D. Robart did acknowledge that the ordinance will need to be reconciled with SPD’s. District Court Judge James Robart declined to stop the City Council’s ban on crowd-control weapons from going into effect later this week at least for the moment. Prior to his appointment, he was with Lane Powell in Seattle for 32 years where he served as Chair of the Litigation Department and Managing Partner. In a nine-page ruling this afternoon, U.S. magna cum laude, 1969) Phi Beta Kappa.Judge Robart became a United States District Judge for the Western District of Washington in June 2004. James Louis Robart (born September 2, 1947) is a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of. Robart was born in Seattle in 1947, which would make him 69 or 70, according to a federal court informational site. US Department of Justice case whereby Microsoft and other tech companies had appealed against barring companies from alerting their costumers of government surveillance of their online. As a Senior Judge, Robart was assigned to look into the Microsoft Corp.

1973), Administrative Editor, Georgetown Law Journal, 1972-1973 White House pushes back after judge puts a hold on Donald Trump's travel ban. On June 28, 2016, James Robart was promoted to Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington.